The plural of tengwa was tengwar, and this is the name by which Fëanor’s system became known. It later became known as “Tengwar of Rúmil”. The alphabet of Rúmil of Valinor, on which Fëanor supposedly based his own work, was known as sarati. Previously, any letter or symbol had been called a sarat (from *sar “incise”). a written representation of a spoken phoneme (tengwë) a tengwa. Full article here.Īccording to The War of the Jewels (Appendix D to Quendi and Eldar), Fëanor, when he created his script, introduced a change in terminology.

The runes that this transcriber uses are the Angerthas Erebor (as seen on Thror’s map in the hobbit). The runes of the dwarves were adopted by Tolkien from the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian rune scripts. With the more advanced forms of Moon letters it had to be a moon of the same shape and season as the day when the runes were written. These runes were written with a silver pen and could only be seen under the light of the moon. Some dwarves knew a secret way of writing runes called Moon letters. Dwarves made their own variations of the script called Angerthas Moria and Angerthas Erebor. After the destruction of Eregion the elves generally ceased to use Cirth at all. This full expansion of the script is generally called Angerthas Daeron or Angerthas Eregion. More were later added by the Noldor of Eregion to make it easier to express certain subtle sounds in their language. The Cirth alphabet originally had nineteen characters which was sufficient for the Sindarin language. By the Third Age only the dwarves made regular use of them. The letters are thin and angular for they were designed for cutting or scratching on wood, stone, or metal. The dwarves learned the runes from the elves and adapted them for their own language, Khuzdûl. Daeron was inspired by the Tengwar script of Fëanor and wanted to create a new script for his Sindar kin. Dwarf Runes were first created by the elven loremaster Daeron of Doriath and were called Cirth or Certar Daeron. This Dwarven writing system utilizes runes and glyphs when written. Dwarf Runes were a runic script used by the Dwarves, and was their main writing system.